Saturday, September 2, 2017


Someone reminded me not to let myself get caught up in the snapshots of each day.  What?  A snapshot is a mini-part of the day, maybe a few seconds, a short event, a feeling that may see me as a saint or an idiot.  Try to stay in the big picture of the whole day.  Overall, I may be doing quite well, with sanity and good things happening.  There just might be a temporary situation in which I am all full of myself or think I am no good, or someone else is an impossible person because of one thing they just did or did not do.  "You failed to take out the garbage!  I hate you," is a momentary feeling that can pass if we keep wth the big picture.  This person who did not take out the garbage has many good qualities, none of which I can access at the moment because I am focused on garbage.  Someone cuts you off on the road, or cuts in line somewhere, or fails to recognize that you even exist.  These can be "snapshot" events, but not the big picture.  A recovering alcoholic remembers that they are sober this day, and this is a miracle with enough positive energy to stay sane when the world around them is not so recovering.  I try never to take my sanity for granted.  Gratitude is key.

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